Pics of the day 03-27-2010

Well it’s about time :wink:

Nice shot Paul.

Sorry but the mask was under house arrest for awhile :laughing: More to come… Same to you Paul

Thanks Dean!!! Kaizu brudda I’m thinking about wearing it soon. :mrgreen:

Excellent shot Paul, that copy kicks ass!!!

Excellent shot Paul, that copy kicks ass!!!

Thanks it’s the KH/DW test copy Ken had all these years. Colin did the redo. I don’t have to tell you how great Colin’s work is with your fantastic DB2/COL.

SWEET KH/DW PAUL!!! :open_mouth: :rock:


Thanks my friend.

Here’s another by request.

[quote=“kaizu”]Awesome lighting Werner :sunglasses:
Superb details Nick :open_mouth:

Thank you very much, brother Kaizu!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
An awesome hock you got there!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

By the way there are some GREAT pics in this thread!! Keep 'em comming!!! :open_mouth: :smiley: :rock:

No wonder the paint job looked familiar. And once again Colin knocked it out of the park. Damn that’s gotta be one of the best KH’s I have ever seen if not the best, yours and Eric’s.

Great Lookin Butcher Mikey.

Thanks Kenny, I love the ROTS stuff!!

Holy f :open_mouth: ck Ronny, that shot is awesome!!!

Great Shots Ron…

The lighting is really nice in these shots Kenny