Well it’s about time
Nice shot Paul.
Sorry but the mask was under house arrest for awhile More to come… Same to you Paul
Thanks Dean!!! Kaizu brudda I’m thinking about wearing it soon.
Excellent shot Paul, that copy kicks ass!!!

Excellent shot Paul, that copy kicks ass!!!
Thanks it’s the KH/DW test copy Ken had all these years. Colin did the redo. I don’t have to tell you how great Colin’s work is with your fantastic DB2/COL.

Thanks my friend.
Here’s another by request.
[quote=“kaizu”]Awesome lighting Werner
Superb details Nick
Thank you very much, brother Kaizu!!!
An awesome hock you got there!!!
By the way there are some GREAT pics in this thread!! Keep 'em comming!!!

Excellent shot Paul, that copy kicks ass!!!
Thanks it’s the KH/DW test copy Ken had all these years. Colin did the redo. I don’t have to tell you how great Colin’s work is with your fantastic DB2/COL.
No wonder the paint job looked familiar. And once again Colin knocked it out of the park. Damn that’s gotta be one of the best KH’s I have ever seen if not the best, yours and Eric’s.
Great Lookin Butcher Mikey.
Thanks Kenny, I love the ROTS stuff!!

Holy f ck Ronny, that shot is awesome!!!
Great Shots Ron…

Great Shots Ron…
The lighting is really nice in these shots Kenny