Pics of the day Saturday

Awesome snaps people.
Ignore the prop with mine :slight_smile:

H1, H2 and the poster/cover mask
Nice pics everyone :rock:


My new score… JC/DB2

Jesus that mask is an absolute beast. Incredible :rock: :rock: :rock:

Haha thx mate :smiley: Defo took first place as my favorite mask :slight_smile: Nice pics guys!


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Now that’s a score! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thx alot brother :smiley: Just re-stuffed it and snapped some pics…

Awesome pics guys

Holy hell, Mike! :open_mouth:
Didn’t know you scored Benny’s AS/JC “#2 KH” Image! That particular Image and my old KH/Mayne SLE are two of the very best KH#2 replicas ever created. And you’ve got 'em both! You’re quite fortunate to have such a stupendous lineup of incredibly rare and sought after pieces.

Recent shot of my KH/DW. Didn’t care for the color, so I flipped it to black and white. I just LOVE how shadows fall on these masks under the right lighting conditions, accentuating the utterly brilliant sculptural details.

Benny’s AS/JC #2 KH doesnt exist anymore :stuck_out_tongue: that’s the one he just got converted H1, i think Mike’s one converted by Mayne he told me yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

Took these yesterday, but my Internet was down:

Thanks Frankie. Yeah that is the JC/AS “kh#2” :slight_smile: the Colin mayne one is the SLE on the far right michael . I don’t think Benny would have converted that one :wink:

OH my bad Mike haha sorry ^^, check your fb messages btw :stuck_out_tongue: