Pics of the day-- Weds 11th March 2015

Not with me just yet but heres a new score I just landed.

1:1 Scale Custom AWIL bust (1 of 1)

Damian that is one EVIL looking sob! :smiling_imp:

Here’s a score I picked up off fee bay. GEN/AHG #1 This boy is hero to me :drinkers:

Wow you guys!.. two amazing scores from both of you. :astonished: I won’t even try to follow that. Have a good day. :laughing:


Thanks guys and sweet score Don :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Sweet stuff guys.


Took some Kirk pictures earlier, figured I’d post them here.
From top to bottom: HMK Small 2015, HMK Small 2015, HMK Small 2013-2014, HMK Small 2013-2014, Stardate 78 #0, '98 Proto Small, 75K Supreme, and Rarer. The third and fourth HMK Smalls will likely receive crepe hair re-hairs, the Rarer is getting fixed eyes via Kirk eye molds, and a crepe hair re-hair.

So are HMKs available to anyone at this point? I traded for my spot in the HMK line back in 2012, so I avoided getting burned as badly as others, but I truly feel for everyone that forked over $1,500.00 for an HMK under the impression that it was going to be a limited piece.

D-man, I’m very jealous of this piece :smiley: AWIL is one of my all time favs and IMO the best Werewolf movie of al time. Where did you get this guy?

Gonna be sending Mr. Spock off to the Tharps soon for an upgrade paint and hair.

Only the smaller ones that I know of, but I think there are only five out there not from the original run, four of which I own (the DCSM 2 likewise has ten or less pieces out there), and the other I almost won on eBay. The larger more wearable re-tools were kept limited to the Myers/Kirk sets (aside from the extra blanks that went to everyone) from the original run. I could measure mine and let you know their true sizes compared to these other Kirks.

Thanks Hugo buddy, this was one of those random things that I stumbled upon on feebay. I’ve been looking at getting an AWIL bust for a while but just wasn’t 100% happy with what was available…this bust to me screams piccadilly circus werewolf :drinkers:

Beautiful pictures as always everyone! :smiley: I wish I had something new and interesting to post but sadly it’ll have to wait…