Pics of the New Coveralls!

Hey guys, I just got these in today. It’s a pair of Carhartts that I scored from myersman78 (Thanks Chris!). They are just a bit too big, but not nothing too outrageous, just a little long in the legs and arms. Anyway, here’s my nearly-completed costume, all that’s missing is the boots;

I Plan on taking A TON of better, hi-res shots tomorrow when I have more time! Let me know what you guys think!


Glad you got them brother!! They look great! I like that last pic!!

They fit fine bro.Killer pics man.

nah by the pics they look just about right. i like the look and feel of looser fitting coveralls. not too big and baggy but alittle loose is more screen accurate and looks better even if it wasnt.
i cant stand to see straight arms and legs on worn coveralls. if there is not alittle ruffel then the coveralls are too small!
oh and congrats on your coverall score :drinkers:

Damn I need to seriously start losing wieght so I can fit into some Carhartts without making it look wierd :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

yup baggy is better…tyler has a baggy look always

I love the last shot man!!! Awesome.