picture help?

I tried asking once but got no replies, so I figured I’d try again. Sometimes when people post large pics, I am not able to see the full pic due to it getting cut off through the side of the screen. The only way I can see the full pic is if I copy and paste the url. Is this something I can adjust in my control panel on the board?

any help is appreciated, guys…

woops, misread ur post, srry, Z

I use the quote button.
It works sometimes :slight_smile:

Just right click and click on “view image” :slight_smile:
Works for me…

man I cant stand that
I have to do the same thing

Same here fellas

Puck, I’ve been told to do this before, and my computer doesn’t give me that option. I have to do the same, copy and paste the Url. Not sure how to correct other than getting a wide screen. lol.

thanks for all the input, guys. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one. It sucks because a lot of the time, they are cool pictures and I can only see a 3rd of the pic itself, lol


This works for FIREFOX. But not for IE.

I only use Firefox, so it’s always worked for me.