I’ve been up working on my presentation that I have to give to the corporate big wigs in 2 weeks, I had to step away, I feel like a zombie!
I need to see some sweet myers pictures!
Anyhow, show me what ya got!!
here are some
Dang J, you sound like me… burning the candle at both ends!
great pics guys tommy
Love that Psycho
Just a project I am working on.
I have a power point presentation that I have to do in 2 weeks, downtown, in front of some of the top executives in the company.
Its been pretty stressful. It sucks because I really wanted to use this weekend to relax and get away from everything but I just can’t seem to do that!
Sweet pictures everyone!
Great pic Kaizu!
Here’s one of my RARE converted by Colin… And it’s with flash . Flash ain’t bad, just use it properly !
And one of my Mint by James, with flash as well…
J, just try to relax (in the positive way) man when you are doing the presentation… I’ve been doing them for my company for groups of people (including some lessons on university) at regular basis now and the presentations are the best when you are relaxed. Involve the audience in the presentation to retain their attention. But a bit of positive stress is good though !
Good luck man, I’m sure you will give a heck of a presentation.
nice pics guys.
here are some of my 81 proto
Great shots everyone. :finga:
[Great pic Kaizu!
Here’s one of my RARE converted by Colin… And it’s with flash . Flash ain’t bad, just use it properly !
Thank you Nick
That’s an awesome pic of a cool Rare brotha