I did not want to hijack the Yablans kid thread, but Paul (5150) wanted me to post some behind the scenes pics from my collection. I’m sure a lot of you guys have these but if you don’t then to add them to your collection. Lots of pics…enjoy the guys…here’s a few
Thanks Sandman These are Awesome!
Thank you for those Ron.
Awesome Ron!!!
Thanks so much for sharing them!
Wow! Thanks for Posting! GREAT PICS!!!
This is great!! Thanks 4 sharing!
Great pics, Ron!
PLEASE EVERYONE, Don’t quote the post with the pictures in it. Its going to make this thread A LOT longer than it has to be.
Lovely selection of stills and pics.
I’ve never seen that one before… amazing!
Good stuff Ron, thanks!
thankyou sooo much Ron!!!
UR welcome guys
hell yeah thanks Ron
cool as hell! thanks a lot there i had never seen before.
Thanks Ron,Those pics are awesome.
Thanx Ron.
If you guys want to see some really rare behind the scenes pics just click here. http://cryptshow.net/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=342&p=2242#p2242 tons or rare shots!
Great pics, Ron!
PLEASE EVERYONE, Don’t quote the post with the pictures in it. Its going to make this thread A LOT longer than it has to be.
HAHAH A ron you rock!!!