Sweet pictures guys!
So, My son is in cub scouts and he has a race this weekend. I had to take a block of wood and carve it into a car.
This kid is a Mario fanatic so, He wanted a Mario car. I had know clue where to start. I know, I’m know Wood shop artist, but it was a fun father/son project and he helped paint. Hopefully he places good in the race!
See Ya!
Thanks brudda,
Yeah, it was actually a pain in the butt!
That was a pretty solid piece of wood, i had to borrow my buddies hand saw to do it.
See Ya!
This picture is from halloween at a costume contest the main reason I really like it is I am sure alot of you have seen alot of great costume loose to stupid buzz lightyear . The way the picture is taken is like everyone is looking at him thinking he’ll get his
Dude is that you about to drop in?You da man!!I was big into skating back in the late 80’s early 90’s and the other day i saw this caballero reissue, same one i had back in 89’.
I was like “man my luck ill re-break my damn back”, but you know what i ordered it any way!!Skate or Die!!!
Damn James I always knew you put your blood, sweat and tears into your work but I didn’t think you did it literally? Those eye cuts are spot on brotha Very cool…