Pictures of the day 12-06-09

Well it is my 21st birthday today and my family surprised right after midnight with this awesome cake! :smiley:

And here’s a little H2 action


Happy Birthday Mr.88!!
That RZ night pic is just awesome my friend :rock:

Thank you so much kaizu I very much appreciate it my friend! :smiley:

That last picture is just amazing! :open_mouth:

Happy 21st man!! Thats a great cake, cheers :drinkers:


Thanks Adam! I love the St. Nick set up :smiley:

T…is this a Tony mask?

Happy B day!
Some of my old Favs.

Happy 21st and the cake looks sweet. :smiley:

Happy Birthday Bro, Hope you had a great one.


Thanks Ethan :sunglasses:

It’s a HSS Kirk converted by Sam.
It was Sam’s personal copy he took to conventions.
Not Numbered/Test copy with black misted camel hair :slight_smile:

Thank you Devileyes, GoBears04 and skutterk.

I really appreciate it! :smiley:

Happy Birthday Ethan. Cool Pics guys.

Creepy shot Kris :open_mouth: , Cool comparison shot kaizu, J love the Stab and the part 4 hock, is it from Crash?

I agree, great pics everyone :slight_smile:

Macleod…You you you!! :rock: :rock:

Gotcha, It kind of looked a little Tony-ish in that picture

Happy birthday ethan! :drinkers: :drinkers: :drinkers: