Pictures of the day January 4th 2010

OMG that is a creepy jason. Excellent shots my friend. Ill post mine later.

Cool pics Ron :wink:
New hair Classic 78.....jpg
New Classic '78,,,.jpg
Midnight Blue.jpg
Jay Muzz


Your H78 is one of my favorite copies Ive seen. In case I missed it, who converted your copy? Thanks

Those Jason pics are very authentic looking Ron, nice job!

nice shots everyone, sandman, those friday the 13th shots are like nothing i have ever seen before, the apmosphere combined with that great costume is kickass.

Colin’s work is awesome. I love the way he gives a mask that vintage feel.

Thanks man :rock: JC converted that particular copy and I honestly couldn’t be happier with it! :wink: The Classic '78 in my post was converted by AHG and I love that one as well…
Jay Muzz

Nice shots everyone!!


Thanks guys can’t wait to get started with the film

Can’t wait Ron! :smiley:

That’s awesome Ron, another one of your films to look forward to :drinkers:

Nice clocks J c, I love that Halloween clock :open_mouth: A question about that mask, is that a Warlock SE you redone?

Nice work JC :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:
Love that VH clock :rock: :rock:

thanks brudda… this mask is sick… colins work is marvelous…
I cant wait to see it…

:rock: :supz: :supz: :supz: :supz: :rock:


Yessir! I made this one a couple years ago and plan on making some more “themed” clocks in the near future.

Thanks man,