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Very cool. Congrats on the mask! Where did you get your eye insert from?

How much does Chris Nelson do these for?

Sick mask man. Looks like it came right from the set :rock:

He doesn’t :frowning:. Apparently he only does them for special people from what I’ve heard

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Nice shots!

Ahhh so you’re the winner! Congrats looks awesome!
For those who dont know, this mask was in an auction to help save Dark Delicacies. I put in a bid myself :+1:t2:

Killer! Great Mask🎃

These look fantastic! You gotta post a lot more pictures dude lol not every day that somebody gets a mask from a screenused mold painted by the head makeup artist from the film itself. Really nice score!



How is this thread not 100 pages long, full of compliments? Looks incredible!

Rare opportunity. A big congrats.

So totally gorgeous!!! :hocho::jack_o_lantern:

Dead on!!!


As good as it gets from the master himself. What an absolute gem!!
I am desperate to know Chris’ paint method for these so I can get cracking on some myself.

Any daylight pics of this bad boy?!

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That’s downright a work of art, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was used in a movie it’s so damn good!

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Congrats on a great looking mask you lucky f@#ker. :astonished: