Post those Maniacs

I’m thinking of getting a Maniac next. I’d love to see pics of some nice copies. Anyone have any?

I will always LOVE my Maniac. Get one Chad, you won’t regret it.

Beautiful looking masks guys. :astonished:

Thanks for posting pics. :smiley:

sorry if you hate me for this, i know it is a recast but it has been repainted and rehaired so i think it looks kickass and i am proud to be the owner. i really don’t care that it is a recast, this hobby is about enjoying your items, and i enjoy this mask, that is all that counts imo, anyway, on with the pics:

The MANIAC is a mask I’ll NEVER part with!!!
Here’s mine…

Thats not a Maniac…Im not sure if you knew it was or not but this shows clearly where your expectations levels are at…Thats not a Maniac & i think its a insult to real Maniacs to post this up & call it one…“IMO” but unless you know me then my opinion does not mean anything so no worries… :confused:

ok mods. just delete my post. i guess it was so wrong of me to post it, as it is such an “insult”! :frowning: :blush: :cry:

Nice maniacs guys…Here’s my 08 maniac it came with camel hair,wasn’t too happy with the hair so I sent it to
JC for some nice Mohair.will post better pics soon.

Nice Maniacs guys. slasher75, get one for sure

Thanks again guys. :smiley: Those are some mean looking Maniacs. :smiling_imp:

Nice shots Donnie! Can’t beat the orignal runs :smiley:

Those are some NICE looking maniacs!! Nice pieces guys!!!

Jon N.

Your 100% right man, heres some of my recasted Maniac that I converted a little.

thanks bro, i really don’t care that it is a recast, alright, i wouldn’t have bought it from that guy in germany, but mine was rehaired and repainted by ellis, when i saw the pics, i liked it, that is all that counts. plus it was only $60 and i think it looks kickass. btw, yours looks a hell of alot better too. good work on the weathering bro :wink:

the Maniac is an awesome mask. kind of a concept mask, if you will, in that the features are very pronounced. but the aura of the mask screams Michael Myers.

**You do realize that when you guys keep buying recast maniacs, your supporting recasting and letting the people that are doing it, know that its okkay to still another artist’s work and make money off it!

Those masks dont even count as maniacs, so why you would even think of posting them is beyond me!


^^^^^You Speak The Truth H-Bomb!^^^^^ :rock: