I have been hunthing through the search feature and cant seem to find em all. . so i thought lets put up a post and see what you guys got! :slight_smile:

Post them purty JC_70 H2 conversions pics please

Thank you

  • Alexander

ps, Feel free to contribute some pics your self mister Carter :slight_smile:

Hey Alex, I’ve only done a very few H2 so far man. But maybe someone will post one or 2. I have about 10 H2s in the making though so they will be interesting I think :wink: I will be putting those out soon a little by little.

Here’s a few of older ones that I dug up…


james your a god!

Not even close man, but thanks :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey James… That BLOOD TEARS is AMAZING. :open_mouth: I want one just like it… Oh wait that ones MINE :laughing: Greats pics man. Sorry I missed this or I would have posted it myself. Been heavily involved in another thread :mrgreen: Mike

Randall’s Looney is still my fav H2 redo you have done!

Well on down the road i wanted you to redo my Warlock, but…
…So where is that mask in your avatar>>>>??? I WANT IT, badly, more than my Warlock.
James, your talent is unbelievable and undeniable.

As soon as I saw this thread I knew I’d have to check it out. Halloween 2 is the only mask I still need/want and after seeing what JC did with that Nightmare…well hopefully one day I’ll have a mask to add to this thread.

Great work so far JC!!!

JC, do you still have pics of that warlock you rehaired? That was my favorite copy of the warlock I’ve ever seen.

Your not close because you have Surpassed him :wink: