Preserving my mask!

So I had a question about Mask preserving, is silicone spray okay to spray on my masks to keep them preserved longer. I had read that it helps somewhere but I just wanted to confirm. I believe it was Tom savini who said that it helps.

For latex masks or silicone? I just keep the latex masks behind glass to prevent dust buildup but unless they have oils from your hands all over them or are exposed to direct sunlight they should last for a very long time

For latex, I read up on it and apparently silicone spray helps preserve latex. I looked into it more and Tom said spray the mask once a year and you are golden. Apparently he has 40yo masks that Sean brand new. I don’t have glass shelves and I very rarely wear them.

Latex thickness/quality has to have something to do with the durability of masks. I have one of the Limited /1000 CS Resurrection masks that I have worn multiple nights and years working in a haunted forest 10 years ago. It still looks the same. Granted, I did have it repainted by Gary Mongar but the latex is still fine. I have a friend that had a CGP mask that he never wore and it sat in his room and slowly basically melted. It’s not all CGP stuff though. He had three others from there that are fine.

Definitely agree with this as well. I know that thinner latex is in now and more popular but my 2005 Maniac and original run Lunatic are the thickest masks I have and both look and feel brand new