Sorry but its been awhile and i cant hold my excitement any longer. Chris Morgan sent me a few pics awhile back of the mask. It should be getting haired on sunday so hopefully Ill be making another thread sometime later tonight! It will also be getting haired with this new stuff Chris just got in! Far as I know it will be the first RRv2 with the new color hair. I just wanted to post a teaser pic because I think the weathering job he did looks superb.
Lookin good bro, you know Chris will do an awesome job on that bad boy. Can’t wait to see more.
Very cool brotherman.
hey bud-Iam hairing it today too. I think even for a measily ol’ Raining Red V2 it looks bad ass
Jesus Chris, that paint is…phenomenal.
I think I have one coming too, looks great!
Thanks guys. I have high hopes for this baby, when you see the new hair you’ll see what i mean.
is there a big difference between this one and ver.1? and how come no more pics ? i wanna see more pics lol lol
LOL Thats the point sir… once its haired probably tonight ill post more pics
there is a pretty big difference. the design was re-tooled slightly and of course the paint scheme was changed…i think it looks a hundred times better