Problems with a seller on ebay. Opinions needed

Has anyone ever heard of a seller on ebay from France by the name of “poxlub”?

I won an auction for a Cardinal Copia mask this morning. I tried to pay for it three times now. And every time I do a screen pops up that says “Seller can’t accept payments at this time”. Does this mean that the guy has been given a selling suspension? If so… I guess I should stay away from this transaction. He tells me that he’s never done anything wrong on ebay and wants to cancel the auction send me an invoice directly to my paypal account. Seems a bit shady to me. Why won’t ebay let him receive a payment?

Anyone ever here of anything like this happening before?

I remember a similar issue from years ago, I think I recall that eBay told me it means the seller is having issues with their PAYPAL account. What’s the error code that goes with it?

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There is no error code.

Interesting. I’d look into contacting eBay

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That happened to me one time but it was resolved because the seller was out of town when the auction ended and waited to receive payment when he got back in town

Are you in a different country?

I sold a mask to a forum member here Paul (CGP andman Warlock) and he had the same issue. I never sold overseas before so set USPS as my standard method of shipping and he was in Ireland. If the seller didn’t add international shipping it won’t allow the buyer to send payment. Didn’t realize this and now I only add international shipping options to items I am willing to ship overseas.

This may be the issue. The seller is in France. I’m in the United States. I’ll have to mention this to him. Thanks man.

No problem at all man! I’m almost positive this is the issue as it is the same error Paul received on the Sandman. Since you won the auction, he would be charged 10% of the final sale to eBay if he backed out (plus you could leave negative feedback) so I highly doubt this is intentional. Let him know that you’re in a different country and tell him to add International Shipping options. He’s going to need to create a new listing with a Buy it Now of the price you won the item for but he won’t be double charged since you’re only paying for one. Hope it works out brother!

This is exactly what we’re going to do. Thanks man!