psycho question (**Updated with Answer)

can someone tell me why some psychos have a raised stamp on the back that says " the psycho" and some dont. thanks

i thought about asking Justin this, but never did.
i would love to know myself if anyone can shed some light on this characteristic feature of the psycho. i ordered mine summer of 08 and mine doesnt have it.

I’ll be talking to Justin today and I’ll ask him and update the post with what I find out.

i bet when his old production molds were burnt out he made some new one’s and decided to ad it in

I spoke to Justin and the answer is kind of funny! :laughing:

Here’s the answer quoted from The Man himself:

"The stamp is simple and funny. I have this little piece of rubber that says Psycho etc, I have to glue it on the master each time I make a mold and it falls off and gets lost . New molds have to be made so I just make them without it. Always the same mold and mask just missing the stamp.

I didn’t have a final name when I made the Psycho so I didn’t include it into the mold."

I thought the last sentence was very interesting.

Justin rocks! :rock:

wow that is an interesting story. finally glad to hear the full scoop reguarding the stamp. thanks for finding out for us man!

Wish my copy had that stamp :frowning:


I kinda like my masks without the bigger stamps but the copies I have seen are very nice that have them.