Psychopath V3 hairline proto..

got this awesome psychopath v3 hairline proto from my good friend Shawn(MichaelScarredFos) and im pretty amazed with it, the only thing, is this mask is HUGE,lol, with me having a 23 inch head, its hard to fit this, cause its like 25,lol, but, its a lovely thin pull, and the paint and hair are wonderful, very nice mask…On to the pics

Yeah, the size was the only thing I didn’t like about my V3. That’s a nice copy, though. :rock:

thanx dude! i love it, but im selling it cause i dont like masks that are huge on me

I hear ya man. That’s why I traded mine away.

how big are they?

its 25 inches exact, Z

That’s bad ass Zack !!!

Thanx dude! take care, Z