PsychopatH2 night pics

tried to take a couple night shots with different lighting. let me know what you think :slight_smile:

and sry i donโ€™t know how to post multiple pictures without using attachments so this is a continuation since you can only post three attachments

Nice man I think you wear the mask well. The one with the window is amazing in my opinion.

This mask looks freakin great at night!! Nice pics man!!!

Very nice looking

love the shots man that window one looks amazing
o and if you want to post multiple pictures in one post make a photobucket account and
copy and paste the image code.

the blood looks great on that mask.

nice mask u got there bud

Iโ€™m normally partial to the H1โ€™s, but that H2 is awesome bro! :supz:

thank you guys very much for your input