pumkin finished

heres the pix of the mask and the clay sculpt

You nailed it. Is that a taller oblong version than the Don Post one?

yes it is , i made taller like the ssn lil bubby mask

What a great idea, man! I love it!

thanx much , i appreciate it

Looks great man!!! I’ll trade you something for it :stuck_out_tongue:


sure just give me a about 2 weeks and ill be ready to make em , i got to get more paint and latex , im almost out , ill let yall know when there ready

Pretty Cool…I’m diggin’ it!!

Looks great!

once again thank yall for yallsm comments

freakin hell, you made that? wow man, that is really good! :open_mouth:

i love the lil buddy mask.

awesome job dude!!



great job…tommy

Dude A M A Z I I N G job bro!!!, I love it!!!, how much are these going to cost???,
