Puy Your Thinking Caps On Guys/Girls

I remember hearing in the making of the original Halloween, I believe it was John Carpenter might have been Irwin Yablans, that when the name Halloween came up for the film that the word Halloween had never been in the title of a movie ever. Now I may have missunderstood this but I am almost positive he said that. If so then I think this would refute that. Help me out if I am wrong somewhere.


I have never heard of that movie before. He probably mean that in a major release that it had never been used.

I think he may have said a movie was never titled simply “Halloween” before, but of course, I may be wrong as well!

This movie is titled that BECAUSE of Halloween. An attempt at cashing in on Halloween’s success. This movie’s actual title is Snapshot.

This is correct. Also, Snapshot was not released until 1979. It was just another film trying to make some $$$ off of HALLOWEEN’S success.

Yes… I concur with whoever is correct! With Donnie having that “never lettem see ya sweat” type answer, Im goin with him. :mrgreen:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t HALLOWEEN originally titled THE BABYSITTER MURDERS at one point?

Yeah, well acording to Wikipedia anyway :laughing:

From Wikipedia:

“Carpenter and his then-girlfriend Debra Hill began drafting a story originally titled The Babysitter Murders, but Carpenter told Entertainment Weekly that Irwin Yablans suggested setting the movie on Halloween night and naming it Halloween instead.”