question about myers piece

well, strange story, i got on a roll before the remake of halloween came out and was buying everything i could find that had anything to do with this movie. at one time i think i had 9 versions of the myers rz mask in my collection. i sold a bunch and this one i dehaired and wrapped it to resemble the pt 4 myers and there it sat on the shelf until today when for some reason i unwrapped it and i will tell you what this one looks pretty sweet.
only question is, does anyone know who made this thing? i was thinking about selling it but maybe with a little work it could make a cool RZ H2 exposed mask.
any help from you guys is always appreciated.


Kinda looks like a CGP Kissfan. Could be wrong, though.

a rob’d, made by mike at FOD :wink:

looks like kiss fan or nick ( i might be wrong

its a robbed puckface…was involved with it he knows! lol

cool thanks puckface. very much appreciated.


no prob, bro. it’s a shame that this wasn’t sculpted after the film was released. we pumped this out within 2 days with only screen caps from the trailer as reference. I believe it was the first actual sculpt done of the remake mask. until we sculpted the rob’d, we were converting these nightmares…(keep in mind, these were all done before the movie was even released)

Those nighmares actually look pretty nice! :mrgreen: