question i have been wondering about photo shoots

like a couple years back or so i remember someone did a PROFESSIONAL photo shoot it looked so real and ever since then i wanted to do that with a RZ get up and a pumpkin…

i remember it was some H1 myers and even LF…it was either matthew mayhem or caeser HAHAHA i know random and sorry guys if that wasnt yall i just THOUGHT i remembered it being one of you guys…

anyway how did you go about it? how much was it? did the people think you were weird as hell?!

thanks guys


I used to own a photography biz for 5 years
and it can get kinda pricey just depinding on what you want
we did fine art and charged $350 for just the sitting fee
and $35 for one 5x7

but we where also using $7000 cams and $10,000 lighting

I believe that was member True Horror With his Horror Icons photography…or maybe not lol…

thats what im saying maybe two photos would do it…i just want the mask to look unreal…and me well porportioned and have a good look…and i want to frame them…with maybe a white backdrop

You just need a good Camera and lighting

lol i do have a good camera an lighting is easy anyone can take pics…

but not professionally with good backdrops an stuff

If you go to eBay & type in " photography Studio", there’s a nice little set up for real cheap, I acutully just purchased it myself, I would post the link, but I’m on my blackberry, so kinda difficult. But if you check that out on eBay, it might be something your lookin for. Can’t wait till mine comes.

Anyways, hope this helps.

thanks a bunch skutterk…but you know like family set ups? when your mom makes you go with your sister or brothers or whatever an do a family pic? like something to that effect i want…i have seen people do it with halloween/michael myers

So you want like a Michael Myers family style shoot? I dont see that in myers if you get me…maybe if the backdrop is fall or something but usually theyre just plain colors like blue or green. Maybe you can go to a school around picture time lol…

i guess you dont get it…its been done before the famly shit was an example…thanks for the help though! i think someone else maybe able to point me in the right direcdtion?

Maybe if you post pics as an example of what you want…