question on a mask

is this a kh/dw

thats a KH, Z

it kinda looks like a psycho

def a KH, dude, not a psycho at all


It’s a Psycho.

wow…never knew a KH and a psycho could look so alike, i wouldnt know thats a psycho

Looks like a phsyco to me

i must be dumb, just has alot of looks like a kh to me, sorry i couldnt tell the difference :unamused:

Yepper thats a Psycho.

who owns that mask?Its an awesome one…

i own it and i just wanted to prove zach wrong

wow, u were actually right on something for once…thats a first :laughing:

That is def not a first your wrong agian :laughing:

okay, whatever u say :finga:

That’s what i was initially going to say is that it looks like the one you own.

How could you mistake a psycho for a KH?



Chill guys! This really doesn’t need to go this far! Z got confused at first and now he knows, he can recognize a Psycho better.

thank you Matt, its pissing me off pretty badly how i mistake a mask, and i get crucified for it