quick question on hairing

I’m headed off to pick up some crepe wool that is sold ONE yard lenghts (36")… how many would I need do you think in order to hair two masks?

Do you think 6 (six yards total) would be enough?

It’s sold in the braided style

to be safe i would get 4.

What type of hair should be used for a RZ H2 mask? In the movie, it seems to flow well.

camel hair is what was used.

If you’d haired mask before, 2 should be enough for 2 masks, at least for me it was, I had just a bit left over with a full head of hair.
Also, make sure to iron it to unbraid it straight.

i didnt know you had iron braided hair…hec, i dont even iron my shirts :laughing:

Hey, I sent a message over on youtube

talking about hairing you guys know who can rehair my h9 with crepe wool?
