new pix pg 2
Looks amazing!
great mask Chris. Another winner for sure
How bout a larger pic Chris? Those little 1.5x2" ones hurt my ol eyes.
Like this… how do you like my typing? Isn’t it just the best thing you’ve seen since sliced bread???
Lookin good there Chris, another bang up job Bro.
owww my eyes!!
I almost went permanantly cross eyed!
wow chris, i have GOT to order from you one day brotha!
awesome job!!
Chris I love it bro! How much are those badboys again?
just click on the image and it will open it up larger…if i didnt scale it down like that to thumbnails you’d only see half a mask, LOL
looks amazing chris…but the pics are alittle too big now, HAHAHHA
I clicked on the images, but nothing happened. Tried it out in Firefox and IE… no go.
I see you put larger pics up now, MUCH LARGER. Lookin good man! I dig it.
here’s some smaller one’s for you guys.
I love the hair on that thing!

I love the hair on that thing!
I second that, it looks lovely.
Really sharp details on this one
Nice work Chris!!
Looks amazing Chris!!
Great job man.It looks awesome.Can you post any bigger pics lol just kidding.My computer froze trying to load those giants

Great job man.It looks awesome.Can you post any bigger pics lol just kidding.My computer froze trying to load those giants
Ron resized some and put them up. ill resize the main ones tonight. sorry guys
Ah! You’re teasing me
My taxes should hurry it’s butt up into my wallet!