Ray in H40

I really do not get the character much, he’s way too… upbeat and forgiving to what happend 40 years ago. Understanding he would have been around 9 or 10 maybe but older when it happend considering he went to high school with Lonnie who bullied Tommy I would have liked to see the character be a little more supportive or sympathetic towards Laurie. He unlike his wife/Laurie daughter Karen was alive during the Halloween night. The fact that he wasn’t involved directly could be one thing be he still was alive and living when it happend to know what a big deal for that town it was. Could he have been actually one of those other 2 kids with Lonnie picking on Tommy and talking Lonnie into going up onto the Myers Porch? I would have just liked to see him a little more sensitive to the subject of Halloween and Michael Myers than he was in the movie. The other thought I had is he may have not lived in Haddonfield at the time but moved to town after the events before or during high school which would explain his outlook on the situation. Either way even after the cops confirmed the return of Michael he still plays it way to “well here is a yoyo I’m going to play with that” dumb.

I agree 100% with what you said. I did not find his character all that interesting at all. But the more I watch the film the more problems I have with it. One of my biggest gripes is that Laurie did not die! We all knew they would make another film but I wish they could have actually played on the slogan they used so much “The final Confrontation”. I was hoping at least one of the 3 would die but was more rooting for Laurie so we could finally explore more with Michael. Now its going to be the same thing, another Final Confrontation.

Very true on Laurie, but they could still have her die early in the opening of the sequel say in a hospital from her wound. But not sure if that’s the kind of send off your want to give her, be too H8 feeling all over again.

Yeah that would not work for me. You are right it would be a H8 repeat. I wanted her to have that epic moment then with Michael then have it end but all well. I guess we will see what happens in the next film.

Yeah what a dud character he was. One of the worst parts of the movie imo :unamused:

He was completely pointless, like the cops

Every line that came out of his mouth physically hurt my body [emoji38] literally removing him wouldnt hurt the movie in any way, it would actually improve the movie quite a bit imo lmao

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