Do not buy…Sam’s RZ mask is being recasted …Thanks
looks to me like an HSS recast…
Looks like someone is recasting Sam now!
Looks like you’re absolutely right.
Funny…I only sold one copy to a guy in Germany…and he’s a member here.
The auction should be pulled soon.
yeah, that definitely looks like a recast of Sam’s mask.
This guy is selling 2 recasted copies of my H2 on there.
There’s also an H1 on there that I don’t recognize, someone should check it out and see who owns it.
This is the same guy that sells the recasted maniac.He has numerous ebay account I believe.
We gotta find this guys user name and ban his ass.
that guy has like literally 10 ebay accounts,lol, hes the one whos always selling that terrible recast of the maniac, now hes ripping off sams work? this guys a real tool, hope hes banned from ebay or something, sorry sam that theres douchebags like this guy who cant appreciate peoples hard work, and just care to rip it off
Thought so…Which is why I was trying to find out if that person was here…Sorry that the guy is recasting your mask Sam…I thought it was but like always I try to do some homework before I call something like that out…Later guys