Jeremi, when you say the “SYSTEM” are you referring to the system as a whole or just here on We (Derek & MOD’s) try our best to protect members on this board from thieves, but the sad truth is, there are still going to be crooks out there looking to make a dishonest dollar. Derek implemented the “50 Posts” rule to keep brand new members from selling stuff right away, but that only led to post-whoring and posting “For Sale” threads in other sections. We delete those posts, but you still get the point of what I’m saying, right? There is no foolproof way we can guarantee a 100% problem free transaction with anybody in this hobby. A majority of the people on here are very trustworthy, but it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the bunch.
In the case of Chris (cszmajlo), we decided that he will NOT be able to sell anything on here until he takes care of his past orders or gives out refunds. After that, if somebody wants to do business with him that is their decision. Never forget the old saying, BUYER BEWARE! This definitely needs to apply to this hobby and that is why we have the FEEDBACK section on this board. If you are unsure about a certain seller, feel free to ask around and see if they have a good reputation in the hobby. If they don’t, it might be a good idea to NOT do business with them. Believe me, we don’t want anybody to get ripped off on here, but we can only do so much to protect people.
I received threats from a former member who accused me of being in cahoots with Chris and helping him rip people off. Anyone that knows me knows that is completely ridiculous. I have only spoken to Chris a few times on here and we have had ONE deal that went very smooth. Bottom line is this, if Chris does not make good on his orders or refunds in a timely manner he will be banned. We are giving him a last chance to make good on these deals.
Threats will not be tolerated in any manner on this board. We take that VERY serious and even communicate with other message boards to let them know which members are threatening people. None of the boards in this hobby will tolerate that kind of stuff.
I meant system as a whole (PayPal = screwed if you if over 45 days, legal system = is anybody really going to go through all the trouble and costs over a latex mask? Probably not. From my experience, dealing with the person’s local authorities can really be hit and miss.). My rant wasn’t not an attack on at all. You guys do all you can and that is appreciated by me, as well as many other members. I agree that there is nothing foolproof out there and also all it takes is a sudden turn for somebody to become a real dishonest douche bag. Again, my rant was not an attack on any of the moderators or Derek, it was 100% directed at anybody who has screwed anybody over on the internet, whether it be on here, Night Owl, ebay, etc. I was also saying our legal system and protection has obviously not progressed with technology. Sorry for being unclear, but definitely wanted to get it cleared up because I do appreciate what you guys do.