RZ Screen Used? Mask For Sale in Pawn Shop

RZ mask traded at the pawn store by a “big producer”
at around 14:18

Nothing special about that mask. It’s just an indie mask worth around $300 or so.

Who made it? Doesn’t really look like a dela torre, russel Lewis destroyer or a ford fx. Nor does it look like an old buried from let’s say around 2011. Or artifact. So? Who made it?

The eyebrows remind me of an AM RZ

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QOTS Relic

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Bingo :wink:

Eh, I don’t think it’s a Relic. The “scars” don’t match. The cheek scar on the YouTube video mask is wider than in the relic picture. Also with the YouTube mask, the “scar” on the forehead goes all the way to the hairline and is a bit wider also. The Relic pic doesn’t. Also look at the neck scars on the YouTube video mask…there are two holes on the left side or “right” side looking at the picture. The relic pic doesn’t. And look at the lip scare.There is a chunk taken out with the YouTube mask whereas the relic pic is more of a line scar and doesn’t have a chunk missing

That is a production made mask. Aside from the huge differences between Toth’s sculpture and sculptures coming from the animatronic head, the eyecuts and hairline are dead giveaways.

You can see a ring around the eyes where flashing was left… they were cut undersized. The only masks with this feature are the new Burieds and Russell’s destroyers. This is definitely not either of those. I haven’t ever seen a Relic or Artifact with that feature.

Combine that with the fact that it’s haired correctly, which to this day you don’t ever see… you always see huge fold overs in the front… If you don’t believe me, grab the shots from Sean Clark’s page and put it side by side with this. Then put it side by side with Indy masks…

Seems more plausible

Good work man!

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I must admit, I am curious. What are the huge differences between the ani head and the movie mold? I haven’t been able to spot many besides the scar locations in a few spots.

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I hope the photos come through, I am not sure if I’ve done it right. I’m not much of a forum guy.

Comparing the real mask to the animatronic head, a few things jump out. The nose, the distance from the eyes to the ear, the lips, and the overall shape. Toth did a really good job replicating the mask, but he didn’t do it perfectly, and when it’s molded and retooled those errors get amplified. We’ll just look at the head for now.

The eyes are very distinct, that oval shape we see carried through in the early buried, unearthed, and relic. Those are almost 1:1 reproductions of the head. The real mask had the eyeholes filled in with flashing, and for whatever reason they wanted to cut the eyes smaller than they were sculpted. That is what gives you the ring of flashing around the eye cuts.

The nose of the real sculpture is thinner and longer, with less definition in the bridge.

The animatronic head has a pretty distinct line under the bottom lip which isn’t as sharp on the real mask, and a big one which I still have never seen replicated is the underbite. The bottom lip sticks out just a little further than the top lip. You can especially see that when Tyler is wearing the mask pushing the lips out, but it is there with the mask unworn as well.

VERY thorough and much appreciated. Incredible photos as well.

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