RZH1 Screenshots,Pic Very Heavy!

well i enjoy taking screenshots, and i have yet to do them for rzs halloween, enjoy guys

Awesome ! Thanks for posting !

Lynda !!! :tonqe:

haha, your welcome, i enjoy taking screenshots, and i agree about lynda, LOL

You should have got some of danielle ! IF you know what i mean lol

(.)(.) :laughing:

Lol :laughing: Too bad Scout didnt get naked… :tonqe:

the mopre i see the remake h1 mask the more i see a huge difference in h2 an 1 i know theyre diff masks an sculpt but the face is really different kind of in 2…which is also weird because both are lifecasts of tylers actual face

I still think the rz mask has a strange kirkyness to it, not alot obviously but theres still a likeness. awesome

yea travis i agree, Z

Is there any way you can convert this to jpg and make it a folder so we can download all these images?

idk how to do that, just right click on the screenshot and press save, Z

Yes but it makes it save as “all files” so when you go to open it, it says please choose appropriate program and this is for each file.