score : mask case

just recently received my doll case from harriet carter in record time. made an order over the phone and got the case within only a few days. while the quality isnt the best you can get, I am in no way complaining. for 18 bucks plus 5 to ship, its all I need. im gonna try and get a nice h6 decal to go across the lower front soon.

heres a quick cell pic. expect some better ones soon…

That’s a nice score buddy!
Fits in there perfectly, congrats! :smiley:

awesome grats man!

Man $25 can’t beat that at all…Don’t look too bad at all.Congrats on the score


Deff nice score

Is that a brad hardin H6?

Very nice score man!

Congrats on the score. Case looks great the H6 decal will really complement your set up.

Congrats Puckface :sunglasses:
That looks great!!
I too could use a decent case :mrgreen:

Looks fantastic! Congrats brotha!

Very nice man!! Ive got a Harriet Carter case as well. You cant beat the price for a decent mask case. Works very well for me. Nice mask as well my friend, cheers :drinkers:


Nice case!Im going to have a few of those to keep my masks from yellowing from all the green smoke!!!Where did you get the actual stand?or did you make it?

You can order from here
I have 6 of em :slight_smile:

that is a very sweet score. 23 bucks huh? hell no you cant beat that :drinkers:

thanks for all the replies, fellas! they really are a steal at such a low price. and to answer the your questions, its a brad hardin 6 :wink:

That one hell of a deal.Looks awesome too.Love the mask as well.

Looks awesome. I have the same cases. They are not great quality but they look great and get the job done. For the money, you cannot beat these cases. I Bought 4 of them and paid like $90 including shipping. A friend of mine on here was nice enough to make me custom Halloween banners to get laminated and display them in the cases.

Nice case Andy!

-Big D

Does anyone know who can make the small labels to go in the cases? Or does anyone mind explaining how to DIY? I’ve got a Prop Shop H2 coming in and would like a lebel to go in it’s case.
