Score Resurrection Myers Cinema of Secrets

I wanted one of these for a long time and are tough to find being I don’t think that they are made anymore. Finally got this for a great price on eBay and love it. Great size and fits me perfect, even a tad big which is great as most masks I get are too small. Fits me great though. Looks sick worn but for now here it is on my display custom towel holder. The hair quality is great and was repainted by TEN-31 Productions, not sure if it was rehaired or not but I think just repainted. I got a big collection of Myers in the works and some awesome Myers projects coming soon, can’t wait! :slight_smile: first 3 pics are from the seller and the rest are mine. Did some with the hair spiked up and some with it flatter. I like the spiked up hair look a lot. This is my first non RZ mask since buying my Don Post in 1985. So yeah I am off to a great start. Got a few more on the way.

Glad you finally got one, someone did some stuff to it though.

I really dig the hair on this guy. looks good!

Thanks. Yeah it was professionally repainted I know at least and looks great. I love the weathering and paint job.

I dig the hair on this copy :sunglasses:

“The mask was completely repainted with latex paints and the hair was trimmed, styled and re-glued to my standards for an accurate hair-line.”

Yeah the hair blew me away! I love how easy it is to manage and spike or lay down flat if I want it to. Life-sized Ressurection is in the works. :wink: :rock:

I like it, the hair almost seems to have a burgundy tint to it, never seen one quite like that :smiley:

Yeah it does seem like it a little. Glad I got a better camera finally. Next up I need a better video camera.

Here is a quick video though with my current one which primarily a photo camera.

hey bro, cool score, i too have one! they are giant aren’t they? :laughing: but i use some plastic packaging to stuff up the back when worn, then it becomes tight to my face to give it that h8 look! :smiley:

Yeah luckily my head is big and this still is a tad big. Well I don’t consider 23-1/4 too big but it seems most masks are like 23 inches and under that I get. I always strive to find the perfect size as too small sucks and too big is too hot if you stuff it to wear for hours. But this is close and I may need to make my body bigger to match it lol. I also added darker gray around the inside of the eyes and it looks even better now, as previously the seller use blue tattoo ink for some reason. But I added the grayish/black to match the rest of the mask and now I like it even more! I need to start my Myers shelf soon on the wall. :smiley:

yeah, it looks awesome! these look great even standard, they are awesome masks to say they are the cheaper ones, i like them just as much as the deluxe and you can’t beat the hair, it is awesome! here is mine:

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Cool man, yeah the standard does look pretty good too.

Took a few pics in the dark with some light from the next room, thought it looked sick when I saw it. I might add some more in the dark with a brighter light from one side.