Scored! DT Buried 2 #40! post yours!

Hey everybody been Hella busy moving from Nebraska (insert gag icon here) to Pennsylvania. In the interim I must mention that I have long drooled over the Buried but mostly the limited edition of 50 Buried 2! This mask is end game for me as as RZ’S go.
I am proud to say that I have scored one with the plastic case and headform! #40 of 50. I will post as soon as I get the mask room set up.
so being as there are 49 others out there I would like to see some other members run of the 50. If you got em please post em!

Congrats don on an awesome score!!! I’m also mighty proud to own one of the 50 copies that were produced here’s some pics of copy #37

Here is my Buried 2. Copy #2. Congrats on your score.

Alright guys that made my day! :smiley: I’m drooling like Cujo after Dee Wallace over here!
Incredible pics of #2 and #37! :rock: :rock:
Keep em coming brothers!

Congrats mate,your gonna luv the detail this piece has in person :smiley:

Awesome copies Wiseguy5150 and JDLAMB :smiley:

JDLAMB was that 1971’s old copy of the BII???

Here is mine and #48 of the BII lineup :smiley:

Yes it was. it’s pretty cool because DT kept #1 for himself to so this one is right after his. Also nice copy you have too.

Thanks mate :slight_smile:
Thought so,really nice copy :slight_smile:

very nice guys, Love them all.

I like to post myn in costume, be a bit different

B2 number 47 in costume

Totally awesome my brothers! :smiling_imp: I hope this turns into…like Frankies KH/DW thread :laughing: Not as a sticky but more copies accounted for so we can see the differences in each copy as they are all unique!
I noticed on some copies that the proper right eye bottom separation is more pronounced than others. Interesting :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for everyone that has posted so far! :rock:

I know the separation actually threw me off when I got it I didn’t know it was like that.

subject material so that you can.

Here are some pics of #4 and #43 that have just recently been overhauled by Scott spencer to DS and half mask for my hobo bust. He killed them both man I couldn’t b happier, I owe a huge thanks to Scott for them .I can’t wait to get them . I will post sum a cpl shots of my #13 after too :wink: can u tell I like the b2 ?lol

Dam…that is by far T.H.E.B.E.S.T dream sequence mask I have come across.
The blend of the BII is just…remarkable,I luv it.
Lol,so do you have any BII’s that are not overhauled pal???

Thx buddy.snd the answer is Yes I do buddy here is number 13 :slight_smile:

Lol,awesome buddy :slight_smile:
That DS overhaul…man I just cannot get over how perfect it looks :slight_smile:
Please post some more shots when you receive it pal.

Damn these are killer. Scott’s been working on something for me and I’ve noticed these in the background of some of the pics he’s sent me of my mask…wondered what they were. They look awesome, congrats!

As my favorite announcer says, IT’S TIIIIIIIIMME! :laughing: I finally got some shots of my #40 Buried 2 #40. Good lord these masks are incredible :smiling_imp: I’ve never had a mask fit so good, I don’t know if it’s the way the neck is open or what but this baby just goes on like it was made for me personally! Sorry for pic quality guys these were hella rushed

The buried 2s are some amazing masks I’m glad you own one of them congrats brother!!!

Thanks bro damn it looks like you own the rest of em! :laughing: