Just saw this picture with a few so called Screenused Myers Mask here !!! These are in the collection here f Sean Clark here and looking really nice (jealous) but I am wondering if really used or not as the H6 and H20 looks different then any seen used mask to me !!! The H8 looks like a 1-15 SE indeed??? Not sure Maybe some here know better then me ??? Enjoy
If I remember correctly, the H6 style mask is actually the screen used from H20 and not actually a H6 mask.
The one next to it is movie mould but not screen used.
The Winston H20 was production made, but isnβt screen used.
The h8 is one of the Cinema Secrets masks made for the movie, but not screen used either.
Are there more pictures of these masks?
He also has an unaltered production made H5, without the nose and chin appliances.