second stab question

ive been curious, what size are the second stabs? thanx, Z

mine is kirk size but others were very big

I wouldn’t say very big.
Lee made them soley for display purposes. He did make a few larger though.
Larger meaning, wearable, but still small. The smaller ones are kirk size and even smaller. I had 4, 2 fit and 2 didn’t.
He did mention that the larger ones were “unexpected”. The full run was supposed to be display only.
They are still much smaller than the psycho or H-78’s…
See Ya,

thanx J, and Gavin, i appreciate it! Z

No prob.
I remember the one to the left, didn’t fit.
It was weird, they looked the same size next to each other, but they weren’t.
Also, the smaller ones, were thicker.
See Ya,

The masks were made to be worn, they were not made for display purposes.

Both of mine fit great and my head size is 22 3/4". Hope that helps.


When I jumped in on the run, Lee emailed me stating they are meant for display because of the size.
Eric “hackdroot”, received the same email if I remember correctly… He also made the comment on the board but has since erased because of time…
See Ya,

I’ve had two and both seemed to be normal size. About the same size as the psycho.

I’m own 2 of them… the proto & a regular coming from justin… the proto fist me like a glove… the other fits me a little tight but comfortable…

Yeah, the 2 that I had that didn’t fit, could have fit if I pushed it but, I might have ripped them if I tryed that hard, so I didn’t.
The other 2 fit perfectly. It was weird how the sizes were so different. I remember Lee saying that he would try to make the latter runs larger. The one I have now, fits just as good as any mask that I’ve owned.
See Ya,

i would say my Stab is on the small side. i have a 23 1/2" head but i can still wear it. its not as tight as my 99 Shatner but it fits snug, yet its abit tighter than my Psycho.

I checked with EA and he said the same thing, the mask was made to be worn.

Thats cool,
I checked with Lee, the artist who made and sculpted the mask and its sole purpose originally, was for display purposes only…
Hence, the reason why I posted that link there. Eric (Hackdroot) had the same conversation, and received the same information, from Lee…
Take Care

Well, I emailed Lee and this was what he told me.

My question to Lee…

I have a question for ya!

A LONG time ago you sculpted the ‘Second Stab’ for the HMA. Some people have pulls that are larger and wearable and some people’s pulls are a little smaller and tight fitting pull; and that has brought up a good question. Was the ‘Second Stab’ a mask that was sculpted to be worn or was it sculpted to be only for display? I know that the original Don Post Kirk was a small mask and when I had my ‘Kirk’ I sent you the measurements for the ‘Whitey’. I wanna say I remember the same thing happened on the ‘Whitey’ happened here, some of the pulls experienced a shrinkage and the people could choose what size they wanted. Most of the owners now got the ‘Second Stab’ second hand don’t remember or weren’t around back then but I wanna say that is what I remember reading.

I checked with EA of the HMA and he said the mask was meant to be worn but I wanted to check with you.

Could you help me with some insight?



The answer from Lee…

Hey Billy,
That is a good question. From what I remember, people wanted them thin, and they wanted to be able to wear them. I remember the sculpt was smaller than whitey.
So I would say wear.


So, there you have it!

He originally stated that is was made for display purposes. Thats a fact…
I remember this. Again, why would I say this and why would Eric have wrote this 2 years ago as well? People did ask for them to be worn (including myself), so he said he would see what he could do, thats why some were wearable, and some weren’t. He did make them thinner, hence my comment in regards to the one I had, that was not wearable. It was very thick and waaaay to small…
From what I read from your statement, Lee hardly remembers and understandable, with all the (movie) projects he had going at the time…
The bottom line is, these are smaller, not larger for those looking for one.
Take Care…

Why would EA remember differently, he helped bring the mask out. I know I was around back then…why would Lee answer the way he did? Because he remembers…plus you stated you talked to Lee. Why would Lee answer differently to my question than yours?

Nobody wants a ‘Myers’ mask for display only, it would not have sold…in the exact same thread you brought in, ‘Pumpkinhead’ states that’s why everyone wants a Second Stab, because they are wearable.

I have no clue.
That was the biggest beef about the mask, that he was making it for display purposes originally, thats why he made it thinner.
Again, I owned 4 and 2 didn’t even come close to fitting… Thats a fact… And I’m sure they are still out there.
I sold it on ebay and warned the buyer and he was cool about it. Some people will buy for display but because so many customers weren’t happy about it, Lee was all for making it larger. Again, it was still small after he made it larger, but wearable. Again, I remember chatting with Eric (Hackdroot) and Lee about this, thru pm’s, like it was yesterday.
Back to work. :imp: :laughing:
Take Care,

I had both of Lee’s mask’s Whitey and Second Stab. Whitey was very large and loose if I put it on. Second Stab on the other hand was tight and some of the details weren’t as noticeable when worn. Almost like Dick Warlock stretching the original mask in H2. I remember when Second Stab was getting sculpted and released. There is that photo of Nick Castle wearing the original mask looking straight into the camera and the mouth is slightly open. That was the photo the mask was based off of. Lee said the mask was sculpted to look as though Nick was wearing it. There was a debate about whether this was meant to be a wearable mask. I believe Lee said it was for display purposes but could still fit some people. He did say it was Kirk sized and may be tight. These were from the first run. The masks later on obviously were bigger.

You got it…
I remember when Lee was bombarded with pm’s over this, after he sent out a few…
He said he would thin it out and that should make it a little larger and it did…
I remember the comparisons as well. This mask was the hottest thing since sliced bread, when he announced it! :open_mouth: :laughing:
I still love this mask, it snags an original Castle look that is perfect in my eyes…
See Ya,

Heres more comments from '06… Forth comment down…

My comment from '06 Fifth one down…

Minion’s comment 3rd down from '06…