Looks like we got another social experimenter around…game on!
Hey, you got 3 pages of hits on just some fun & I couldn’t get hardly anything on some video for a visual aid I’d like for a social interactionism presentation - so my hat’s off to you, sir
I’ve posted this once before a little while back - &…I now, post it again (I get where you’re coming from - these pics are in a folder named “Goofing Off.” Luckily I have family who indulge my Myers addiction.) Commentary chosen by (poor) drunken choice.
"Done killing for the year, time to let my hair down & relax…
“…I’m frakkin’ bored, man!”
“Is that some…?! Ugh, just a cat - dogs are more my taste. Guess I’ll just head over…”
“…is that fresh mountain goodness I smell?!”
“Oh, hell yeah, I know that smell…I done killed a many teen drinking that!”
“What the…”
“Y’know, he is just sleeping & I do like that jacket over there. Ah screw it, I’ll kill him anyways”
“Awe yeah! That’s that taste right there! And don’t look at me like that, he had a fridge full, okay? Not like the old man needs it now, right? Plus, it’s what I do, remember?”
“That’s right, keep 'em coming & I’ll let all y’all live - just keep 'em coming…”
It is amazing…but if you’re sitting where I am (stressing over a MUCH NEEDED visual aid for a presentation) it doesn’t seem too “cool.” Great thread though, Bro - hope I at least contributed a laugh…even if it is at my own expense
I don’t know. LOL! I’m not sure, as I’ve never felt your feet, and your feet have never felt me. I’ve never met your feet, and your feet have never met me. We’ve never been formally introduced to one another. Haha! Hehe!