Just curious, does anyone know where Shane is? I know he ran off with peoples money from October 78, but has anyone somehow heard from him? I remember he came back and made a couple for people and then was not to be heard from again… He still owes me something from a couple years back I’d like to get back, or finished.
No word from him. I am also owed a mask from him.
I bet he still lurks here…they always do.
still waiting on my origin and oct 78
I am also owed…have been for almost EIGHT YEARS
Anyone identify when that was exactly that Shane disappeared?
He owes me an original MINT Ghost Glow. I sent it to him to be molded and enlarged, I was going to produce reproductions of them, but he fucked me over and stole my mask, which is really rare at this point. Hell I don’t even listen to Slipknot anymore… I’ve gone through several series of music since that time, how sad is that.
That’d be pretty cool if he got in touch with someone. Hell I am sure he is reading this thread and just laughing.
Oh, what a wonderful guy he was; I won’t even go into what he owes me or what he has of mine. The guys a POS and ranks right up there with CGP’s Terry Lambert.
One day Shayne will have to explain his actions to the almighty one and I’m sure he’ll burn right along side with Terry. The planet will get a little warmer that day…maybe that’s the global warming were all hearing about?