Signed Carpenter stuff.

DVD insert signed by Moustapha Akkad, Irwin Yablans, Dean Cundey & John:

German poster:

Danish poster:

Turkish poster:

Japanese poster:

HALLOWEEN II cast & crew jacket. Only 19 were made:

HALLOWEEN II shooting script:

John holding my Belgian HALLOWEEN poster.

nice donnie!!!
i was told you had him sign your belt line? :laughing: :finga: :butthead:

great stuff mr donnie tommy

So impressive Donnie…WOW :open_mouth: Congrats on meeting John Carpenter.That is tremendous!!You got some amazing pieces signed.Thanks for sharing :smiley:

Man, you just raised the bar on those pieces DD :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Big congrats brotha!! :rock:

Congratulatons on such a great collection…you are so lucky to meet the man!! :drinkers:

Not bad, Mr Manager!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hell yes brother, I love it all!!!

And all of your other pieces in your hotel room!! :open_mouth:

Congrats Donnie!!! Some great pieces in your collection, and some great autos!

Glad you went back and got that last poster signed…I didn’t want you to have any regrets! :smiley: :sunglasses:

Hey, those are my thumbs in that Japanese poster one! :laughing:

very cool Donnie and congrats on meeting the man :drinkers:
PLEASE DONT TAKE THIS OFFENSIVELY if i wouldve seen them in person at TFW i wouldve asked you there, what in the hell are those posters of and what country are they from, Japan?! my first impression is that they’re photoshopped for a joke. if they are legit those foreigners must not have watched Halloween at all before they printed up those posters :open_mouth: the 1st one has to be a joke, why would they put that randon face on there? and the 2nd one reminds me of that Homer simpson/Myers mask that was done by far out productions here while back. again Donnie, if these are sentimental to you bro i mean no offence, but other than the autographs on them, those posters got me f’ked up and wondering WHY would they make those posters with those random, lame faces that has nothing to do with Halloween? why didnt they use the Myers mask? any info on them would be nice. i cant decide if its more shocking or funny :confused:

[quote="The Boogeyman 1978


No offense taken Shane, it’s cool.

Foreign posters often depict images that are not in the film. It is a very common practice. I LOVE collecting them because they are so different.

I will go back & label each poster. :mrgreen:

:wink: :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink: :laughing: :wink:

I LOVE the foreign posters. You need some Aussie daybills Don!

Thank you, everybody. It was a real pleasure to meet John.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Good one, Josh.

cool man thanks for understanding my shock :stuck_out_tongue: really man ive never seen them and they just got me f’ed up! i guess random faces and all due to the rarity and autographs they’re for sure keepers.
again congrats on meeting the man, and glad yall all made it there and back safely! :drinkers:
oh yeah no spinal tap this year?! :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats on all the signatures man you got the meet the KING!

Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments.

No Spinal Tap this year. :frowning:

I have a HALLOWEEN II Aussie daybill and I would love to get my hands on an H1 copy. :open_mouth: Are you reading this, Jeremy? :laughing:

Very cool D-Man!!! :smiley:
It must have been amazing to meet the man who with out him we all wouldn’t be here.
Great stuff my friend!

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:
Someday Donnie, all this will be yours…