small lineup shots

I’ve run into a bunch of comments lately about “natural lighting”, and “fancy lighting”, and “no photoshopping here, except…”. I didn’t realize this was something members were concerned about. I like to experiment with lighting in an attempt to create some atmosphere. 99% of the time I don’t do any post editing, though I should, since that is what photographers do, and your local photo lab. You can usually tell my one effect, the acid burn that I like so much. That is just done on my camera, usually with pics that are too bright. Anyway, I just couldn’t understand why this was coming up so much. I can understand how bright pictures help in trying to prove how accurate your mask is, but I’ve noticed that can be a losing battle. Even though I wasn’t trying to prove anything, the time I set my DB2 next to J&J’s 75 Kirk (bright lights, DB2 having no painted on shadow) people still just plain said they didn’t see a comparison. All that mattered to me was, I saw it. I realize most of it realates to a little mud fight going on between members, but I find it insulting to the guys who try to have fun with their pics and go the extra mile. So here are some in very “natural lighting” and then some I enjoy.

Oh, and Mayhem, thanks for the landscape tip, I think it really helped my camera focus.

Nice pics swamp!!

Great shots. Look at that DB2 :open_mouth:

Nice pics Chase. Love the acid trip pic

Excellent pics Chase, love that DB2 :drinkers:

GReat pics! I recently discovered the landscape thing also! The easiest was to take pics without a flash! Love the lighting on those masks! :smiley:

Awesome lineup bro :open_mouth:
Great pics :rock:

I’ve always really liked your pics! And well, whoever don’t… screw 'em. :smiling_imp: :laughing:

Weird beard, I always enjoy seeing your pics. You never disappoint me with your cool shots. These pics look great!

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Sweeeet Line up Brudda!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Super sweet pics brudda Weird Beard!!! :smiley: :rock:
You always take wavy gravy pics brudda mango! :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :sunglasses: :rolleyes:

Super shots, Chase. Who cares what some members think. Do what you want. Nice set of masks too. :smiley:

I’m the one that said “fancy lighting”! :mrgreen: Real nice pics Chase and killer DB2! :open_mouth: That thing comes alive in those shots.

I need some photo tips from someone myself.


Very nice pictures Swamp! I love them! And you got a darn good line up!

I usually don’t do editing as well and tell my photo lab also not to do so (they won’t per default actually). A lot comes down to color management. For showing the pictures correctly, you need at least to have your monitor calibrated. Can be done on any monitor, but I prefer a hardware calibrated. The same goes for the printer, that needs to be calibrated correctly as well, and it might change per paper type how consistent it is. Good photo labs get a 99,99% consistency. What I see on my monitor is exactly what I get when I print! Images often look bad and/or different due to monitor settings and mismatched colors and brightness.
Besides that you need to expose your image correct and use the correct white balance on your camera. White masks tend to trick the camera’s meter quite a bit, especially in those mood-creating images with artificial light. This depends a bit on the type and range of the camera. Therefore I usually expose manually with manual white balance referenced from a greycard.
Bottom line is that I like images in all lightning situations but it is hard to get good images in those “mood”-situations. Natural light shows the mask a bit better (and the camera can handle this light better) but those low-light images gives some people some extra fun :stuck_out_tongue: . I’m happy with both :mrgreen: !


You never take a bad pic. But there’s just one problem…The’re always freakin Awesome :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:
Like Shane said above take what you like! :slight_smile:

Some members like myself enjoy the extra editing on the lighting,contrasting,blurring,etc.
Sometimes it’s a must for guys like me who live in small apt. room. Editing is done in order to change the atmosphere.
If editing is cheating then heck I should stop posting! :imp:

:open_mouth: Now that is a good pic!!!

Beautiful pics as usual Mr. Swamp!

I, for one, always enjoy your pics and anytime I see you have started a thread featuring new pics I’m always looking forward to opening it up and peeking!

Love the masks man. You definitely go with the quality over quantity (although you are not hurting with the latter either!) idea and I LOVE it bro!

Awesome shots Chase! Very cool :wink:
Jay Muzz

Sweet line-up and pics, Swampy! The DB2 is my fav out of the bunch. :rock:

Great line up shots Chase. Envious of those beauties for sure

That H78 looks pretty sweet :wink: :sunglasses: