Some new 2k Kirk pics and vid

I had a few requests to post some new pics, so here you go. I took all these with my iphone. The link to the youtube video as at the bottom.

_Great pics an vid ChimiChanga.

Hey Chad is this mask large, Its not Kirk size right?_

Thanks. No it’s pretty small. Mine is a bit larger than the rest of the run, but still it’s almost the same size as Darren’s kirk. I’ve lost weight, so it fits me a lot better now.

That is Nutz!!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Insane…would make a Awesome Myers mask, but for 2k i would leave it a kirk…thats a great mask



Just a beautiful Kirk! Thanks for posting these Chad!

Chad…I hate you now! :mrgreen:

Just kidding man, this thing is amazing…and that isn’t exaggerating!

For some reason or the other I’m not totally feeling the Myers versions of these (at least not yet) but the Kirk is the best likeness to the original that I have ever seen. This is one of those scores I doubt will ever be topped. The only competitors to this mask are Dennis’ DB2 and possibly Bry’s mask coming out. That’s some elite company to say the least.

That vid is very cool :sunglasses:

Looks great Chad.

a PHONE took those pics??? holy shat. very nice

That looks great chad…thanks for sharing…


Thanks Chad. I thought so, just wasnt 100% sure. Looks great dude

Looks like Kirk alright. :wink:

That is a great looking Kirk and that vid is awesome!

Benny’s right about the conversions, there’s something about the jaw that makes it look like a Classic Kirk when converted but here, it looks perfect.

Wow very nice! It looks like a real '75 Kirk!

Looks like a perfect fit!


Glorious my man…That is a sick mask my friend :sunglasses: …Later guys

wicked awesome dude