Some new KH SLE sunsetting shots Here ya go Pat & Erik

Had a request to see these pics. I wasnt going to post them cause I didnt want to burn you guys out. I am just really thankful to have some great friends that wanted to see more and thought I should post em for you guys and gals. Tell me your favorite.

Ye gods Rondo, you’re a modern marvel with that picture producing devil box. Huzzah.
Cannae wait to get my sweet #6.

The 2nd one down is grand! :rock: It gives me a crisp October feel :open_mouth:

:smiley: :open_mouth: :slight_smile: :astonished: :stuck_out_tongue: :drinkers: :rock: :rolleyes:

Nice man! You forgot to watermark the third pick though :wink:

Col, you cabbage eating northener, that may very well be the first “Huzzah” ever posted on this board. :laughing:

More great pics, Strangler. I’m noticing a trend here… you are good at photography. Am I right, folks? :stuck_out_tongue: :mrgreen:

these pictures really show the detail of the kh
great shots man


Man, these pics are starting to kill me. Such a great mask. I totally underestimated this mask at first but it definitely came out a gem.

Unlike Donnie, I’m glad you at least considered my requests and decided to come through, lol. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:
Great pics, Matt…those are your best one’s yet. :sunglasses:

Just keep posting man!! The weathering on that bad boy is insane!!

I told you Erik, I will NOT dress up like Little Bo Peep and pet the KH on video… stop asking! :stuck_out_tongue: :butthead:

That mask is alright I guess :laughing:

Very nice shots from the best photographer on here. Don’t be afraid to take a few thousand more of it. :laughing:

narly pics my man.those are sick.the weathering on this mask is 2nd to none…tommy

You’re gonna pay dearly for that one, Donnie boy! :axe: :butthead: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Matthew, noone is going to get tired of seeing pics like that of a mask like that anytime soon. Fire your guns!

Third one ,second to last, and the last Very nice Matthew

_wanted to say thanks to all you guys. Also wanted say I am happy you dig em.

Reuben soon my friend.

James I got a couple more you are going to like. Im addicted to this. Im going bonkers over here…lol.

Thanks Benny and Erik, BoogeyOogey and everyone else.

This one I actually photoshopped. Added a water color filter. All the other pics I havent touched minus the watermark

Enjoy and thanks again._

Love the new shots Matt! :smiley:

Sweet Matthew just sweet! :rock:
Love your outdoor pics!!