Had a request to see these pics. I wasnt going to post them cause I didnt want to burn you guys out. I am just really thankful to have some great friends that wanted to see more and thought I should post em for you guys and gals. Tell me your favorite.
Ye gods Rondo, you’re a modern marvel with that picture producing devil box. Huzzah.
Cannae wait to get my sweet #6.
The 2nd one down is grand! It gives me a crisp October feel
Nice man! You forgot to watermark the third pick though
Col, you cabbage eating northener, that may very well be the first “Huzzah” ever posted on this board.
More great pics, Strangler. I’m noticing a trend here… you are good at photography. Am I right, folks?
these pictures really show the detail of the kh
great shots man
Man, these pics are starting to kill me. Such a great mask. I totally underestimated this mask at first but it definitely came out a gem.
Unlike Donnie, I’m glad you at least considered my requests and decided to come through, lol.
Great pics, Matt…those are your best one’s yet.
Just keep posting man!! The weathering on that bad boy is insane!!
I told you Erik, I will NOT dress up like Little Bo Peep and pet the KH on video… stop asking! :butthead:
That mask is alright I guess
Very nice shots from the best photographer on here. Don’t be afraid to take a few thousand more of it.
narly pics my man.those are sick.the weathering on this mask is 2nd to none…tommy
You’re gonna pay dearly for that one, Donnie boy! :butthead:
Matthew, noone is going to get tired of seeing pics like that of a mask like that anytime soon. Fire your guns!
Third one ,second to last, and the last Very nice Matthew
_wanted to say thanks to all you guys. Also wanted say I am happy you dig em.
Reuben soon my friend.
James I got a couple more you are going to like. Im addicted to this. Im going bonkers over here…lol.
Thanks Benny and Erik, BoogeyOogey and everyone else.
This one I actually photoshopped. Added a water color filter. All the other pics I havent touched minus the watermark
Enjoy and thanks again._
Love the new shots Matt!
Sweet Matthew just sweet!
Love your outdoor pics!!