you wear it good my friend!!! awesome
I was just listening to the Metallica S & M album like two seconds ago.
Awesome videos I love the Xombie one!
Thanks bro…METALLICA ROCKS!! I love the xombie…its my rz grail
Great vids as usualy - loved the old school Metallica song mixed w/ symphony, my kinda music!
Dude , you have to love the s&m album its such a different approach
Cool vid’s man, I like the music you picked for ur vid’s… Dean
Awesome vids man! If you dont mind could you take some vids of that doll collector and Dollface?
hey bro, awesome vids man!
Ill do the dollface tonight!
cool videos! did pee-wees big adventure come to mind for anyone else during the kx xombie vid? lol
LOL I just watched that movie last night! But , i just like that song in general and was surprised when I seen it in the movie
Deff lookin nice Bro, sweet Vids
I like the Trek or Treat vid.
Good job on all of them!