Some Props my brother and I built for halloween.

Here’s some stuff I thought was worth sharing… Halloween is probably bigger then all holidays combined for my brother and I.

and my favorite… :slight_smile:

Holy hell, that outdoor display is great!

Good stuff.

I agree Dren…the outdoor scene is amazing, perfect lighting…love it. :smiley:

Great job!!! Me and my brother are the same way :smiley: Gotta love it!

WOW!!! I love the outdoor setup! That’s just insane!!! BTW, I like the Jack Skellington pumkin!

Awesome pics :slight_smile:

I love it it really captures the feeling.

Woah, that look’s great!

The lanterns are very cool in the fog, the statues look real too! Everything is really well dressed.

Are you using a ground fogger?