SomeH2likePics-(heavy)... ehhh??not that great though


Damn that is a creepy costume man. who did up those coveralls and is that a scarred.

great coveralls, where did you get them.

Looks really good man the paint is pretty dead on I would just fix the hair up to not be so spiked up and I think you got it made.

thanks for the nice comments!- the covealls are from the member here “scorch656” bobby hale- he makes custom rz cvralls-
the mask is a NAG scarred- got it last year… and actually tried to sell it as of latley to put towords other masks and gear. but i dug it out tonight and found my old acrylic paints and i have the revolver mag that had MM and zombie on the cover. a lot of great close ups- and i started to just cut away at the mask and smear some paint of sorts. i had the mask rehaired and painted just after i got it last sept… but i didnt really like the way it looked after all was done. the hair is freaked out a bit only cause the hair on the mask in H2 was freaked out- almost looks reggeish- :laughing:
i have one really great mask right now and two on the way. the jacket im wearing is an old winter coat of sorts, doesnt really look like the one from H2+ i dont have the camo vest. i was thinking bout getting that outfit though and the knife from JC.

i used to rock an old 80’s donpost- early 80’s actually, that i bought when i was in 8th grade maybe or 9th. i have been MM every halloween since around the 7th grade and have owned 2 masks, knowing one was an early don post, the other may have been one as well, both kinda nice at and from that time. no pics though of course- but that thing finally did rot! :laughing:
i would love to also get the mask JC (james) has on his avatar. not sure what that one is- but it is probably the best Halloween mask i have ever seen IMO. i have the old macs from Halloween 1, my beloved, as well.
but i do really enjoy robs michael as well- with the whole get up & all. even if its a bit hobo-ish- i kinda dig it-

Thats a great costume, scorch did a great job on the coveralls, and the mask is killer, great gear, thanks for sharing.

that image on the revolver cover that you talked about was the first thing i saw that when i saw these! awesome!

Thanks, yeah I did the coveralls and he ended up adding the blood later on… Cool to see you still have them!!

I have to get myself another pair of coveralls before halloween!!!

actually i put the blood on em last year- maybe you did someone elses? and i should of got a size or two bigger- they just don’t fit me - very snug and riding, where i end up tugging in certain areas- :laughing:
oh well, now i know…
and you still make a great coverall bobby- :wink:

Awesome costume! The overalls are the best i’ve seen and the mask colour is great! :rock:

What kind of fake blood are used on your coveralls to give it that red look not that just dried up blood look?

hello! i live in kind of a small town and we have a costume store called rainbow rentals. i got my blood from them. any of these chain like halloween stores may carry it, or perhaps a walmart, drugmart, CVS or wallgreens. i don’t think what i have is special but it’s called- “Living Nightmare- Blood Spray… Theatrical Quality” its in a 2oz spray bottle. i also have “Mehron- 150 squirt blood”. i sprayed and covered the coveralls in areas and then i added the thicker squirt blood so it could sit and dry but maintain the wet look and for the wet look you will see on these knife pics i included. - the sparay is nice cause it covers big sections and you get spatter as well as just soaking a specific spot. i sent along some pics of my RZ1,(whatever) knife that i got from JC_70 (aka-james… who is thee greatest knife artist… and one of thee nicest folks as well :smiley: )- and i sprayed blood on the knife along with the coveralls i have and just added the thicker blood on top. im almost certain any nowaday drugstore blood will work just as well… that is what i was initially going for anyway- and more and more each year i think “kiddy” blood becomes more and more real looking- its what the people want- :laughing:
so i hope this has helped.

If you look, I said “he” ended up putting the blood on there later on, meaning I sold you the coveralls and you did the blood… :unamused:

Yeah my regulars ended up “riding” up on me and being uncomfortable in the crotch, so Im either getting the same size in a tall or just go with a larger chest size since the inseam gets longer as the chest size goes up…

ahhhhh- im sorry bobby, i missed that part, my fault- :confused:
i wasnt saying that all like, - “welllll I added the blood…” like i was boasting or anything, i just misread what you wrote and was just saying.
so i will have to try and find a store that i can go try some on in- because im really thinking of getting a new pair… are you still in the customizing biz?

take care-

I know how you feel… I have been through a few pairs myself! I tried finding some locally a while back but they never have the sizes Im wanting to try on! The ol’ trial and error method it has been :laughing: Yes, Im still doing them, working on a few pairs now…

cool! when i get a pair i will call upon you to do your work - if thats alright…
thanks bobby-
