Very cool, thank you! I do find that interesting though… that he says Debra mentioned no one being able to find the original, even though she supposedly had them. I’m going to have to check into that
It puts the shoe box and smoking story to rest as being false, that’s for certain, if Debra had actually had it, it would have only been when it was on the desk in the office when Dick found it to meet with Rick for the interview
I think one of the members here said that one of the stunt masks is in the possession of the family now, could be wrong, but she would have had at least 1 of those 2, probably the stunt mask that was used for the blood tears scene
It’s been speculated that one is in her estate, but I know at least one isn’t. BUT what I mean is actually how that stunt got to the set of H2. If they didn’t have one for production and that’s why they had to borrow Nicks hero, then where did it (the stunt) pop up from when they needed it for reshoots?
Right? That’s what sucks about testimony from back then, not everyone will remember everything perfectly and stories could contradict each other (as they are right now haha).
Tommy’s stories did change quite a bit when he would talk about converting the masks, even who was wearing the masks for the choices, can’t blame him for it though, because age does that to people
Those sears coveralls are not the same as what Nick Castle wore in the original Halloween just look at the collar button and the button hole position, it’s way off. I saw/found a photo of Big Mac coveralls that were a 100% match with the square pocket flap and look exactly what Nick wore they were olivewood “just like Nick Castle has stated they were” I wish I saved the photo, I didn’t know this was still and issue, I’ll look around and see if I can find it on the net. Plus there’s no way the color is grey. I have watched this movie in 4K on a 140” CinemaScope screen in a private home cinema and on an 80” uhd tv, pausing on the best scenes possible, changing the picture mode on all factory settings and then manually and there’s no way in hell those coveralls are grey.
The coveralls are sears. The placement of that hole varies between copies. The guide says grey because there was some toss up before I found my pair and confirmed them to be a “Tex green” type of color.
They are green, and also grey, and also blue. It all changes based on light but I can tell you the main color is green.
I apologize if this has been brought up before but how many times would you recommend I wash the Workrite’s to get this effect.
I gave mine a quick wash on the coolest setting a couple times, the ‘bumps’ on the seams and collar are slowly getting there but it might need a couple more along with a dryer cycle. Not sure. Any thoughts?
I did wonder if that was the case, as I only had little luck with it in the wash --which only did minimal shrinkage. I’ll have to experiment later, thanks!
to shtink them and get bumps you wash them with the hottest watter in the washer, then dry them for a long time the hottest setting to shrink the cotton fibers