The Nemesis - (size etc.)

I remember hearing this way back in the day even - the Nemesis is a smaller mask right? Smaller than the Warlock?

I ask because we’re going to be making a short “Halloween” fan film, and the actor playing The Shape - my Warlock was a bit big on them. The H2 TOTS I’ve got fits perfectly, and with the repainting it’s had it looks better, but the Nemesis would look even better still.

How hard are Nemesis’ to come by? Maybe someone here would let me borrow theirs for filming…

You’re all going to love this little short film! It’s a fan film (we can’t make any money off of it). I’m making it for you all!

I believe the size to be between 23-23.5’. The Warlock comes in a 23.5’ and 25’. The regular TOTS H2 is close to 23.5’ so the Nemesis should fit perfectly. They pop up time to time, but most of them have yellowed as Terry’s old paint jobs notoriously have. I saw one on eBay recently. I’d ask in Want to Buy. Good luck!

I will! Thanks

No problem man. The Warlock as I stated does come in 2 sizes so its possible he tried on a 25’ and the 23.5’ would fit him much better! He can always wear a stocking or facemask to compensate for the extra space and well. A lot of guys even use cotton or something of the sort in the cheeks to give a more prominent stretch. If you’re set on a Nemesis though I will definitely keep my eyes out for one

Yeah, the Nemesis is a smaller mask, it was one of my first good indy masks i owned and i lioved it cause it fit my small noggin