The New Beginning of Myers Masks

Sorry guys I had to post this. This mask has been on sale on ebay for so long that I had to give everyone a laugh that hasn’t seen it. Catchy phrase too hey? :mrgreen:

It’s signed by someone in 2006. That mask is disgusting :vom:

I saw that posted on ebay and had a laugh too.

You can clearly read on the tag anyway it’s from Mask Pro FX. That’s a whole bunch of “Hey I got this mask, it’s tag says 78…MUST BE ORIGINAL OMFGZ!” lol

It looks like Crapface has found a mate. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I guess it’s rare in Australia

Amazing, love the craftmanship I’ll take 2 :laughing:

lol,mate im from australia and i wouldnt piss on this mask…what a laugh. :laughing:

thanks for the laugh! can anyone post a picture of the original crapface?