The Real Michael Myers...You gotta check this out

This guy is on facebook and claims to have been a stuntman on Halloween 4 and says he owns a screenused mask. I searched around and found this very strange interview he did on line. You gotta read this stuff. Does anyone know this cat?


WOW :open_mouth: Now that is a little creepy! :open_mouth:


:open_mouth: Tell me about it…Wow! :open_mouth:

I didn’t read that he was an actual stuntman on the film but I guess he wants to be. A little creepy.


There is your classic nutter just waiting to be recognized for all the wrong reasons. :axe:

God all its gonna take is one tv interview with this guy and all of us, hobbiests (sp?) and die hard fans of the movies will be labeled lunatics and we want to kill everyone…Thats nuts…that guy needs counseling and pills lol…

Well damn. This dude needs…a padded cell and some good meds. Wow :open_mouth:

Well i searched for Billy Wayne Walls on facebook and came up with nothing. Also in that interview he never claims to actually have been a part of Halloween 4 as a stuntman. He thinks he actually IS Michael and acts like him by carrying a real weapon and scrapping it against objects. He also claims to have been burned “play” acting like him. He also watches Halloween 4 daily. If this is true then… Sounds like a classic case of a kid crying for help and attention. But by the credentials of the site sounds like a made up story by Sarah Hollender. (the person who claims to have interviewed this so called “Billy Wayne Walls” character)

Entertaining read tough.


Meh… I would be more freaked out over that “Samhain” thread that was posted yesterday. :smiley:

Here he is on facebook

Well in that case I am Jason.

Thats my thought exactly, This is probably some 16 -17 Goth Kid who has a major crush on the whole Michael Myers / Halloween thing, so he’s just taking it a step further than we all do, We all act out Michael in different scenes or situations, He’s just taking it a bit further. When asked about killing people he states “It’s only a movie”. so he understands Fiction from Reality. This is probably some Goth Kid who idolizes Michael Myers is all, and is trying to get as close to the real thing as possible without getting in trouble.

:laughing: the REAL Michael Myers is on facebook? :laughing: he is obviously NOTHING like the character Michael Myers from Halloween or facebook and the internet period would have no interest to him. he sends people he doesnt know instant messages on facebook because he’s starving for attention.
he said he was born 4 months before Halloween 4 came out so OBVIOUSLY wasnt a stuntman in it. that would make him 22-23 now :unamused:
i know i gave a long reply but i dont think this was worth starting a thread over. its more attention billy wayne walls he shouldnt get.

I started it because I thought it was a creepy interview this dude did. So what is worth starting a thread over Bro, Is there a criteria now or something I didn’t hear about :laughing: I certainly did not start it to give this dude any attention that’s for sure.

OK, yup. I think he’s a weirdo.
And he’s amassed quite a few friends on Facebook, most of them probably not legit.

What frightens me is, he claims to have dreams of stalking and killing people. That’s bad news right there, if it’s true, but he’s probably just some lame attention whore making more crap up.

now here here ron no need to get tissy with me :stuck_out_tongue: and no the same criteria goes for starting a thread in the general dis. as long as its about Halloween movies (1-8) or about Michael Myers (1-8 :unamused: ) or a new mask score representing the above mentioned. but this thread is just about a wanna be Myers, he has no ties to any films, actors themselves, he’s not giving any new or useful information about a Halloween movie, and hes not actually showing off any myers mask. so does it belong in general discussion?
no offence to you at all Ron. i just didnt find this interview remotely creepy just needy and pathetic on billy walls behalf :wink:

I think its really funny when she asks what he finds scary about himself and he replies with “the way I walk and the way I look WITHOUT the mask” :laughing:

Dude, I just got screwed out of a deal today and I am in a pissy mood, I didn’t mean to be nasty sounding. I just thought it was interesting that some joker is out there saying he was a stuntman in H4, and the interview was indeed pathetic, and at the same time bizarre. No offense Bro, but I have seen a lot worse threads started on here.

Man that dude’s a psycho or dang good at portraying one!!! :unamused: