The "Shape" of Things to Come...

Here’s some new shots of the NAG/COLIN 2K. Pics two and three give me a H2 feel :axe:
Blood in the Fields.JPG
Blood in the Fields.JPG
Blood in the Fields 3.JPG
(More comin’ right up)

Blood in the Fields 4.JPG
Blood in the Fields 5.JPG
Blood in the Fields 6.JPG
Thank’s for lookin’!!! :drinkers:

Does look like H2. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had to come back and look again. Those last two pics really scream Myers transitioning from H1 to H2. :stuck_out_tongue: Great pics!

Man that thing makes me drool every time I see it :open_mouth:

Those shots are creeeeepy Jay! Love 'em man and that scenery is getting me in the Fall mood a bit premature! :astonished:

Great job man!!!


Damn I love that mask :open_mouth: !!!
It’s just…WOW!

I think I’m going to cry :open_mouth:

yeah sure does give off an h2 feel…

they all came out great

As usual Jay, awsome pic’s and we can never get tired of seeing your pic’s of that mask, or masks for that matter… Dean

Awesome Jay man and that mask whenever I see a post of that mask I get real excited!:slight_smile:

Thank you all :wink: I think I picked just the right time of day/late afternoon to take these shots. I like the way the shadows played off the mask. Not too shabby for a phone cam I guess? :laughing:

JAY HELL YA MAN!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Man, these are some of the most dead-on shots I’ve ever seen. Jay, these are amazing!
It looks as though it fits you so well! AMAZING!!!

Once again Jay great shots and great background! I deff. see the H1 & H2 potential in that mask! Keep 'em coming bro!

Wow that makes the best H2 I’ve seen!

That mask is a beast. Great pics Jay. :drinkers:

Woah, and we have a winner! Killer shots Jay… just killer!

Beauty shots Jay, very H2 looking!! Nice pics!

I almost did. :open_mouth:

Awesome pics Jay! Definitely got the H2 vibe with a couple of those pics! :open_mouth: